Tuesday, May 13, 2014

It's 4:16AM

Well, it is 4 AM and my husband and I are both up with out little Ronnie Ray and we couldn't be happier!

She is so perfect.
She is adorable and beautiful and smart!

She has been super fussy lately- having a hard time telling us what she wants or how she wants to be held-

She is 1 month and 2 days old!

I can't believe it!

I have been horrible about updating this!

We are exclusively breastfeeding.

I will do a separate post just for that- yikes- that is not as easy as it sounds- it is so much work!

Here are some new pics:)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

She is here! Introducing Ronnie Ray!

I can't believe my little baby girl is 11 days old today!

Ronnie Ray was born April 11, 2014 at Hoag Hospital at 6:57pm!
She weighed 6 pounds 8 ounces and was 19.5 inches long!

She is perfect!

I can't believe my dream of becoming a mom has finally come true.

She is everything!

I was in labor for 22 hours w. this little one and every single minute was worth it!

I will post my birth story soon!

Enjoy the Ronnie Ray pics!

Friday, April 4, 2014

The nursery!

Here are some pics of the nursery! It even looks better now- but I am obsessed with the colors and feel of the room!

All it is missing is my little baby girl!

38 weeks!

I feel so guilty for not updating my blog!
So much has happened in the last 8 weeks!
1. I am about to have our little baby any day now- I am 1 cm dialated!
2. I had my baby shower- see pics!
3. I am so excited I can't even see straight!

Monday, February 10, 2014

30 Weeks 5 Days- Felt the baby have hiccups!!!!!

OMG! I just screamed and yelled for Chad to come into the bedroom as I was playing on the computer!!!

The baby had hiccups! It was sooo cute! So cute, but I felt bad for her! Like I felt all of them!!!!!

It was an amazing feeling to really feel her!

So in love already!!!!!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl Sunday w. lots of baby b updates

So much has happened in the last week.

Last weekend, I had my first baby shower! It was a surprise from one of my best friends- Sarah!

It was amazing!

It was at the Hyatt- in Huntington Beach, CA! In an oceanfront suite!!!!!!

First, I had a pregnancy massage at the spa that was AMAZING- then a blow out!

Here are some pics!!!!

I felt so blessed and loved!
It feels amazing having family and friends celebrate the new little life that is coming SOON!

On Friday, January 31st- I had my Glucose test!

The flavor I got was- Lemon-Lime- I really really wanted the Orange! LOL!

I should get the results at my next appointment coming up this week.

Still feeling really good!

The nursery is really coming along- still need a chandelier and a rug!

Current obsession: Counting down till I get to stop working- aka April 11th!

xoxo, Hollie

Monday, January 20, 2014

27 Weeks 5 Days!!!!!

I had a Doctor appointment today and from now on...I go every 2 weeks! Eeeekkkkkk!

I scheduled my Glucose Tolerance Test...

I know I still have plenty of time till the baby is here- but it feels like it is coming soooo fast too!

My mom picked a date for the baby shower!

March 22nd!


Feeling very excited!