Wednesday, May 29, 2013

(1) Egg Retrieved today!!!!!

Today was my egg retrieval day!

I felt so much more calm since I knew the drill this time!

I will say the procedure HURT soooo much more this time.

I really felt the needle and pressure this time-

I had one big healthy egg retrieved today-

After the retrieval, the doctor met with us and said to change up our plan we will be doing a 5-day transfer!

I am thrilled!

I can't wait! Seems like a LONG time!

I start progesterone orally tonight- and vaginally tomorrow-

Here we go!

Here is a selfie shot before I went in for the procedure!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Lupron Shot has been injected

Today is CD 13. Last night at 10:30PM my husband injected me w. my Lupron shot.

I have a scheduled egg retrieval for tomorrow morning at 9:30AM.

I am so excited!

I am feeling relaxed and good.

Here is a pic of my supplies:

So, here we go with our 2nd Natural Cycle IVF!!!!

I will keep everyone updated!

And this time, I am taking my phone in the waiting room!

Monday, May 27, 2013

CD 12- Waiting for my schedule call for Retrieval!

So this morning - on my Memorial Day off- I had a 7:30AM monitoring appt.

Everything looks good for being on NO meds....

Transfer should be in about 5 days!

YAY! Feeling good!
Taking my pre-natal vitamins!

Here is a pic of my ultrasound results.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

CD 10 Follicle at 13.4mm

Went in today for monitoring.... My follicle is measuring at 13.4mm with no medication.
The doctor called and I have to go back on Monday to see how everything is going!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hurry up Saturday!

It is so hard waiting for these damn cycles!
Hurry up, Saturday!
I can't wait to hear how my follies are looking!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Going forward with Natural Cycle IVF- CD7

We have decided 100% to continue with this cycle!
I go in for an appointment to monitor on CD 10- this Saturday!
I hope this works! Please GOD let it be my turn to have a baby!
I want to be a mom so badly!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

OMG- Thinking of Cancelling this cycle

So, when I went in for monitoring this month- the office recommended that we do a "Mini IVF" instead of a "Natural Cycle IVF"
My immediate answer was NO.

I feel like I want to keep this AS NATURAL as possible.

So we scheduled it like that.

But I have not been able to stop thinking about the "WHAT IF'S"

What if- this does not work AGAIN?
What if- we end up spending the same amount of money it would cost to do a mini IVF?
What if- I actually NEED the extra meds?
What if- it would be better to have more eggs than just ONE?

So- I am thinking that we may cancel this cycle and start over.

My needles and Lupron got delivered today at work today too.

OMG. What should I do??!?!??!?!?!?

Saturday, May 18, 2013

CD3- Monitoring Appointment

So, today I went to my monitoring appointment and had an ultrasound and a blood test.
We are on schedule to try another cycle of Natural IVF.

I go back next Saturday- which will be CD 10.

So until then- I need my little follicle to grow grow grow- I think I had one today at 5.3:)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Scheduled 1st monitoring appointment

So today I called and made an appointment for monitoring! It is Saturday at 8:15AM!
And a correction from yesterday- we will CALL TODAY CD 1.
So here we go!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

And AUNT FLOW is here! CD 1- IVF round 2

So today Aunt Flow came knocking on my door while I was at work! I hate her!
I have been struggling with my decision to do IVF this month or to postpone and save more $.
We talked about it and we are going to do it.
It will be tight but we can do it-
My doctor told me that CD1 is the first full flow day- since my period just barely started I will call tomorrow CD1- I will call the office and start monitoring- OH GOD- here comes the blood tests and ultrasounds!

I don't even care- just work:) PLEASE!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

12 day till AF

Here I am again.... in the dreaded 2ww. This has been the first month- I honestly don't care.
I don't care what happens, mainly because I know I can start a new IVF cycle. I am loosing myself in this process. I have thought more about waiting years before trying again than I ever have before-
Yearning to live my life again without the weight of this failure on my shoulders.

Dear Self:

Dear Self:
How are you enjoying your blog?