Saturday, October 19, 2013

It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!



We are having a baby girl!

I am beyond excited. I can barely even type!

We find out GENDER TODAY!!!!! OMG OMG

Today is the day!
Because I have zero patience....and I have to know! Is it a baby boy or a baby girl!??!?!??!?!??!?!
So, we go at 12:00 this afternoon for a 2D/3D scan!

Our last ultrasound was so adorable the baby was moving around and jumping and dodging the tech!

I am so in love!

I am so nervous for some reason. I guess because I have no control over what the outcome will be!

I have felt from day 1 it is a girl!

We will see!

Everyone has placed their bets!!!!

I will post pics tonight!


Sunday, October 13, 2013

13 week ultrasound

We had our 13 week ultrasound on the 11th!

OMG. Is all I can say.

Our baby was adorable! It was jumping and moving and waving its little arms!

We heard the heartbeat it was 166!!!!!

The baby is doing well and is healthy as can be!

I am so thrilled I can't even stand it!!!!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

And we are Facebook Official!!!!!!

Today was such a big day for me and the baby!

I told all of the partners at my law firm ( all men) and all of my co-workers that I am going to be a mom!

Then I posted on FB to let everyone else know!

I am so overwhelmed with support and love! This little baby is already so loved!

Everyone is placing their guess for if it will be a boy or girl!

I am blessed. I am so happy right now! I am just trying to enjoy every little moment!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

12 Weeks- Lesson in patience from my baby

I have had the oddest range of emotions lately!

I am still in shock and thrilled I am pregnant.

Every week I am so excited to read about what is happening.... but I can't help but be sooo anxious!

Is this normal?

I still haven't heard my baby's heartbeat... I have seen it but not heard it.....

I haven't seen my baby since 6 weeks.

I can't wait for the 18th!

I can't believe it is still 2 weeks away.

I am getting one big ole lesson is patience.

Until then, baby- I hope you everything is going well! I hope you feel safe and are growing and growing!!!!
