Saturday, November 16, 2013

Anatomy Scan- Ultrasound!!!!! 18 weeks!

Today we have an Anatomy Scan Ultrasound at Hoag!

Even  though we know its a girl! We are thrilled to see our baby girl again!

Things have been great! I am waiting to feel our little baby- I don't think I felt her yet?-

**Going on now is us still desperately looking for a new home for our growing family!

We have an application in on a 3 bedroom house in Huntington Beach!

We love it and have been non-stop praying since Monday!

Hoping to hear soon!

Friday, November 1, 2013

16 Weeks

I have been horrible about updating here!
We are in the midst of looking for a new home. Our current lease is up this month and we are looking for the perfect place to bring our little bundle of joy home to…..

That is pretty much dominating my thoughts…
I am stressing out about it.

I want the perfect location and price!

I feel great- Still no sickness or anything!