Saturday, December 28, 2013

24 Weeks 3 Days!!!!

I can't believe I am able to even type that title! It's really really happening!
I am really having a baby!

Thanksgiving and Christmas have now passed and I am thrilled!
During each holiday all I could think - was- next year we will have our little girl with us!

As we were driving I kept looking in the back seat imagining her there!!!!

She is kicking so much now- when I sit still there she is!

Yesterday at work she didn't stop all day! It is seriously amazing and I am so grateful to be feeling it all!!!

Because I have no patience whatsoever, I booked another 3D ultrasound today!

I can't wait to see her! I also booked the appointment where they record it on DVD!

Every time we go- we want to see her more- this way- I can watch it again and again!

Nursery update:
My mom made the sweetest drapes for her room!
Next up- setting up the crib- I am currently hunting for a cute chandelier!

I promise I will write more soon!!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

20 Weeks w. the flu- no fun.

I think it was a mixture of attending a birthday party at a children's bounce house gym and the weather changing….

I have a horrible cough - like a chest cough and a cold!

I am miserable!

On top of that we are moving this weekend….my poor husband!

Our movers come on Tuesday!!! I am so excited to get settled in our new home!

But dang, it is a lot of work!