Tuesday, May 13, 2014

It's 4:16AM

Well, it is 4 AM and my husband and I are both up with out little Ronnie Ray and we couldn't be happier!

She is so perfect.
She is adorable and beautiful and smart!

She has been super fussy lately- having a hard time telling us what she wants or how she wants to be held-

She is 1 month and 2 days old!

I can't believe it!

I have been horrible about updating this!

We are exclusively breastfeeding.

I will do a separate post just for that- yikes- that is not as easy as it sounds- it is so much work!

Here are some new pics:)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

She is here! Introducing Ronnie Ray!

I can't believe my little baby girl is 11 days old today!

Ronnie Ray was born April 11, 2014 at Hoag Hospital at 6:57pm!
She weighed 6 pounds 8 ounces and was 19.5 inches long!

She is perfect!

I can't believe my dream of becoming a mom has finally come true.

She is everything!

I was in labor for 22 hours w. this little one and every single minute was worth it!

I will post my birth story soon!

Enjoy the Ronnie Ray pics!

Friday, April 4, 2014

The nursery!

Here are some pics of the nursery! It even looks better now- but I am obsessed with the colors and feel of the room!

All it is missing is my little baby girl!

38 weeks!

I feel so guilty for not updating my blog!
So much has happened in the last 8 weeks!
1. I am about to have our little baby any day now- I am 1 cm dialated!
2. I had my baby shower- see pics!
3. I am so excited I can't even see straight!

Monday, February 10, 2014

30 Weeks 5 Days- Felt the baby have hiccups!!!!!

OMG! I just screamed and yelled for Chad to come into the bedroom as I was playing on the computer!!!

The baby had hiccups! It was sooo cute! So cute, but I felt bad for her! Like I felt all of them!!!!!

It was an amazing feeling to really feel her!

So in love already!!!!!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl Sunday w. lots of baby b updates

So much has happened in the last week.

Last weekend, I had my first baby shower! It was a surprise from one of my best friends- Sarah!

It was amazing!

It was at the Hyatt- in Huntington Beach, CA! In an oceanfront suite!!!!!!

First, I had a pregnancy massage at the spa that was AMAZING- then a blow out!

Here are some pics!!!!

I felt so blessed and loved!
It feels amazing having family and friends celebrate the new little life that is coming SOON!

On Friday, January 31st- I had my Glucose test!

The flavor I got was- Lemon-Lime- I really really wanted the Orange! LOL!

I should get the results at my next appointment coming up this week.

Still feeling really good!

The nursery is really coming along- still need a chandelier and a rug!

Current obsession: Counting down till I get to stop working- aka April 11th!

xoxo, Hollie

Monday, January 20, 2014

27 Weeks 5 Days!!!!!

I had a Doctor appointment today and from now on...I go every 2 weeks! Eeeekkkkkk!

I scheduled my Glucose Tolerance Test...

I know I still have plenty of time till the baby is here- but it feels like it is coming soooo fast too!

My mom picked a date for the baby shower!

March 22nd!


Feeling very excited!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Another busy week down!

I just wrapped up a very stressful week at work and am so relieved it is over!


Getting closer to maternity leave!

I am hosting a baby shower for a girlfriend in the next couple weeks at work-

I am going with a princess theme- Gotta go to the fabric store today and get to work!

This little baby is kicking soooo much! It is unreal!

My back and hips have been killing me lately but hubby has been great about helping me stretch!

I also ordered some baby clothes this week! YAYAYAYYAYA! 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

25 Weeks 7 Days!!!!

I have been meaning to do an update every single day!

I made it to double digits today!!!

Only 99 more days!

This weekend we went for a walk and snapped a couple photos!

We also got the crib set up!

I am so excited!

I just ordered 7 samples of Baby Shower invites!!!!!

I can't wait to hold my baby girl!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!!! 2014!

This New Year celebration is the most special yet!
This is the year our baby girl will be born!

I am so excited.
Time has been flying!!!!

Time to get serious!

Wow, I have mentioned time over and over- lol!!!!

We had our ultrasound last weekend and it seems we have a very stubborn little girl that wont move from a certain spot!

Here is a pic of her smiling! She is adorable even if it isn't clear!

Happy 2014!