Tuesday, April 22, 2014

She is here! Introducing Ronnie Ray!

I can't believe my little baby girl is 11 days old today!

Ronnie Ray was born April 11, 2014 at Hoag Hospital at 6:57pm!
She weighed 6 pounds 8 ounces and was 19.5 inches long!

She is perfect!

I can't believe my dream of becoming a mom has finally come true.

She is everything!

I was in labor for 22 hours w. this little one and every single minute was worth it!

I will post my birth story soon!

Enjoy the Ronnie Ray pics!

Friday, April 4, 2014

The nursery!

Here are some pics of the nursery! It even looks better now- but I am obsessed with the colors and feel of the room!

All it is missing is my little baby girl!

38 weeks!

I feel so guilty for not updating my blog!
So much has happened in the last 8 weeks!
1. I am about to have our little baby any day now- I am 1 cm dialated!
2. I had my baby shower- see pics!
3. I am so excited I can't even see straight!