Wednesday, April 24, 2013

CD8 - Natural Attempt

That seems like an awkward title. But I am just not feeling creative. I am tired.
We are trying on our own this month and will attempt IVF again next month....

Fingers crossed. Please let it happen naturally!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

AF showed her ugly face today

So, like every single month- I was hoping that I was pregnant- naturally. This could be the month!!!!
I started my period today! And it was horrible!
Horrible cramps.

On top of everything else, I have been torn on if we should do IVF this month or wait ONE more month.

After a sleepless night, I decided to wait.

I don't feel ready.

I feel rushed.

I just got back from South Beach, Miami and things at work are stressful.

I just don't feel prepared. And it would make it REALLY tight financially. Like too tight.

So, here I sit- broken.  A piece of me still baby.

I am still keeping hope. I know I will hold you one day.... and you will be here soon. But another month will pass....

Another chance for a natural conception?

My mind is swirling.....

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sigh of relief the baby shower is over....

The baby shower was so much work.

Here is a pic of the finished table.

Since I work at a law firm- I could only do so much....

We had a Taco Bar - it was really good.

Like I said, the baby's name is going to be Lily.

So, I went with a Lily theme-
Lily's on the table w. pink tule as the runner....

As a thank you to everyone- I gave a Lily Bulb to plant and had a little tag attached that read " A Lily for Lily- Let's watch them grow!"

Turned out cute.

I am so tired - I can barely type this.....

Good night -

Another Positive OPK! YAY!

I got another smiley face today!
CD 13!

Work has been super busy.

And here is a kick to my NOT pregnant stomach- I am in charge of a baby shower tomorrow for a co-worker.

I wrote in an earlier post how hard it was to just ATTEND a shower...but to do all the work for it....hurts. Bad.

I am in full protection mode.

I have put on the back burner my own feelings and am just surviving.

The co-worker is having a little girl.
She has already named her Lily.

She started "trying" and tried for only 3 months and started freaking out that something was wrong... something like what I must have.....

Nope. She is having a baby- her second baby. She has a boy and now a girl....

Cue the pity party....

I went w. a Lily theme- I will post pics. It should turn out very cute- especially with the budget I have been put on!!!!

For the shower favor- I went to Home Depot and purchased Lily bulbs....
I will be giving everyone a bulb wrapped in a little plastic bag w. a bow and a tag that reads " A Lily for Baby Lily... Let's watch them both grow!"

Super cute!

I am exhausted - but I feel good- that I didn't half ass this just because my dream hasn't come true.

Pic tomorrow.
Thanks for reading- Wish I knew who was out there reading- Are you feeling the same way I do?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Positive OPK on day CD12

I got a positive OPK today after work....
The funny part was I drank a ton of water and tea...

and still look what I got!!!!!

So I am pretty excited.... but I get excited every single time this happens!

But since I have a "I don't care" attitude maybe that will happen!!!!!!!!????????

Cross your fingers and send some baby dust over here PLEASE!