Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Another Positive OPK! YAY!

I got another smiley face today!
CD 13!

Work has been super busy.

And here is a kick to my NOT pregnant stomach- I am in charge of a baby shower tomorrow for a co-worker.

I wrote in an earlier post how hard it was to just ATTEND a shower...but to do all the work for it....hurts. Bad.

I am in full protection mode.

I have put on the back burner my own feelings and am just surviving.

The co-worker is having a little girl.
She has already named her Lily.

She started "trying" and tried for only 3 months and started freaking out that something was wrong... something like what I must have.....

Nope. She is having a baby- her second baby. She has a boy and now a girl....

Cue the pity party....

I went w. a Lily theme- I will post pics. It should turn out very cute- especially with the budget I have been put on!!!!

For the shower favor- I went to Home Depot and purchased Lily bulbs....
I will be giving everyone a bulb wrapped in a little plastic bag w. a bow and a tag that reads " A Lily for Baby Lily... Let's watch them both grow!"

Super cute!

I am exhausted - but I feel good- that I didn't half ass this just because my dream hasn't come true.

Pic tomorrow.
Thanks for reading- Wish I knew who was out there reading- Are you feeling the same way I do?

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