Wednesday, April 17, 2013

AF showed her ugly face today

So, like every single month- I was hoping that I was pregnant- naturally. This could be the month!!!!
I started my period today! And it was horrible!
Horrible cramps.

On top of everything else, I have been torn on if we should do IVF this month or wait ONE more month.

After a sleepless night, I decided to wait.

I don't feel ready.

I feel rushed.

I just got back from South Beach, Miami and things at work are stressful.

I just don't feel prepared. And it would make it REALLY tight financially. Like too tight.

So, here I sit- broken.  A piece of me still baby.

I am still keeping hope. I know I will hold you one day.... and you will be here soon. But another month will pass....

Another chance for a natural conception?

My mind is swirling.....

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