Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Type A Negative Blood???????

Today was my 2nd appoiment at my OBGYN office...

The wait was brutle.... but I was so excited.

Turned out to be a pretty uneventful appointment.

They did a culture test instead of a pap since I had my annual exam in January....

Then the doctor told me that I have the Blood Type - Type A Negative and my husband will need to be tested to see if our baby will be okay.

I was in shock.

She said that my body would attack the baby!!!!

All I could do was think- GET ME OUT OF HERE SO I CAN GOOGLE THIS!!!!!

Here is what I found:

What is my Rh status and why do I need to know it?

Early in your pregnancy your blood will be tested to determine your blood type and your Rh status — that is, whether you have the Rh (Rhesus) factor, a protein that most people have on the surface of their red blood cells. 
If you do have the Rh factor, as most people do, your status is Rh-positive. (About 85 percent of Caucasians are Rh-positive, as are 90 to 95 percent of African Americans and 98 to 99 percent of Asian Americans.) If you don't have it, you're Rh-negative, and you'll need to take certain precautions during your pregnancy.

If you're Rh-negative, there's a good chance that your blood is incompatible with your baby's blood, which is likely to be Rh-positive. You probably won't know this for sure until the baby is born, but in most cases you have to assume it, just to be safe.

Being Rh-incompatible isn't likely to harm you or your baby during this pregnancy, if it's your first. But if your baby's blood leaks into yours (as it can at certain times during pregnancy and at birth), your immune system will start to produce antibodies against this Rh-positive blood. If that happens, you'll become Rh-sensitized — and the next time you're pregnant with an Rh-positive baby, those antibodies may attack your baby's blood. 
Fortunately, you can avoid becoming Rh-sensitized by getting an injection of a drug called Rh immune globulin whenever there's a chance that your blood has been exposed to the baby's blood.

If you're Rh-negative and you've been pregnant before but didn't get this shot, another routine prenatal blood test will tell you whether you already have the antibodies that attack Rh-positive blood. (You could have them even if you miscarried the baby, had an abortion, or had an ectopic pregnancy.) 
If you do have the antibodies, it's too late to get the shot, and if your baby is Rh-positive, he's likely to have some problems. If you don't have the antibodies, then the shot will keep you from developing them.

My husband is getting tested tomorrow- so we can see what we are dealing with... but I am not freaking out.
I am sure it will be fine!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

10 weeks 3 days!

So I am 10 weeks 3 days today!
How am I feeling????

Really GOOD!

I have had the occasional- uh oh- I don't feel good- I may throw up.... but then it passes!

I have had some cramping and bloating...

And yesterday came down with an earache and sore throat.

I feel much better this morning!

I am feeling very anxious to know if the baby is okay- I am dying for another look at him/her. And dying even more to know if I am shopping for a prince or princess!!!!!

I have a doctor appointment this Wednesday:)

Biggest worries of the moment:

What carseat do we pick?
Where are we going to live? (our lease is up this month)
So excited!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

In the middle of 9 weeks!

This has been an exciting week!
We were able to tell family that we are having a baby this week!

It is so exciting to see everyone so excited for us!

My mom and I also went to a little store in Costa Mesa because I recevied a mailer about starting a registry- It was really cute!

Here is the link: www.bel-bambini.com

We had a blast looking at all of the gear we will need!

It is very overwhelming! What is the best stroller? What is the best carseat?
A crib?
A glider!?

So exciting! But time to do my research!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Don't want to leave Maui...8 weeks pregnant

The time has come, it is time to fly home tonight:(

This trip has been amazing!

I have felt amazing overall. I did have a couple of moments when I needed to step outside during dinner cause I thought I may throw-up... but I made it through~

This trip I have concentrated on resting and enjoying my body while it is still comfortable!

I love it here so much!

I love waking up at 6AM and watching the sky light up-

I love the air

I love the clear water!

I snorkeled my heart out!

I will always remember this trip!

I am a little worried that I am not able to check into our flight....I guess there are no seats on your flight - so we have to check in at the airport-

Oh Well! Can't stress in Maui! All will be fine!

See you back in Cali!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Flight to Maui- 7.5 Weeks

I made it to Maui!!!!!

The flight was a little uncomfortable... but nothing too bad... THANK GOD... I didn't get sick and have to use a barf-bag!!!

I wore my compression socks and make sure to make an effort to move around and not just sit in the same spot for 5 hours.

There were a ton of babies on the plane. I can't believe that will be me next year!

I did start feeling strange after the flight ... not sure if it was just "tired of traveling" feeling or a little morning sickness.....
I also felt very dehydrated- like my lips were dry and stuff- I downed water:)

It was my bday yesterday and I must say- this has been the best bday ever.....

#1 I am having a baby

#2 I am in Maui

I am up right now at 3AM Maui time.... cause that is when my stupid body wakes up now....

But that is okay- now I can blog!

Since telling my parents that we are expecting they have let the news spread to family.... I received so many texts congratulating us on the baby- It is so much fun that our family is excited!!!!

Here are some pics from today! I will post more throughout the trip