Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Flight to Maui- 7.5 Weeks

I made it to Maui!!!!!

The flight was a little uncomfortable... but nothing too bad... THANK GOD... I didn't get sick and have to use a barf-bag!!!

I wore my compression socks and make sure to make an effort to move around and not just sit in the same spot for 5 hours.

There were a ton of babies on the plane. I can't believe that will be me next year!

I did start feeling strange after the flight ... not sure if it was just "tired of traveling" feeling or a little morning sickness.....
I also felt very dehydrated- like my lips were dry and stuff- I downed water:)

It was my bday yesterday and I must say- this has been the best bday ever.....

#1 I am having a baby

#2 I am in Maui

I am up right now at 3AM Maui time.... cause that is when my stupid body wakes up now....

But that is okay- now I can blog!

Since telling my parents that we are expecting they have let the news spread to family.... I received so many texts congratulating us on the baby- It is so much fun that our family is excited!!!!

Here are some pics from today! I will post more throughout the trip

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