Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I finally called!!!

So today I forced myself to call our IVF center.
I wanted to know if the doctor should have called me after our 2nd failed IVF or what I am supposed to do next.

Here is my frustration..... There is a major language barrier w. the staff-

So I asked them- What do I do next?

What CD should I schedule my Hysteroscopy????

They had no idea what I was talking about.

The nurse seriously said this to me.

Nurse: Why would you have that done? Do you have fibroids?

Me: The doctor recommened that after my 1st failed IVF. And since I have NOT gotten pregant after my 2nd IVF- I think it would be a good idea

Nurse: Silence

Nurse: What is your queston?

Me: When do I come in for the test? What will the test involve?

Nurse: Do you have an embryo?

Me: What???

Nurse: If you don't, you have to come in on CD 2 and we will do an ultra sound and start monitoring for another cycle.

Me: Pulling my hair out!

So- at this point - since I am CD 6- I will have to wait for another cycle--- Uggghhh! Kinda my fault.

I was so frustrated w. how the phoen conversation went w. my center- I called my OBGYN office.

They are the office I did 3 rounds of clomid with.... I want a 2nd opinion on what to do next. I made an appointment to see the nurse next Friday- The doctor isn't taking appointments until September!!!!!

I am feeling so far away from having a baby right now:(

I need to stay focused.

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