Sunday, July 21, 2013

What is next!?!?!!?!

I am trying to decide on what to do....

I have a couple choices at the moment.

#1 book a trip to Maui for my bday in September for 8 days!!!!! (um, my dream)- Have the $ now

#2 continue to save for another round of IVF - Would have to save another month

#3 REALLY save and do a round of Minimal Stimulation IVF - Would have to save 2 months

I guess we are just wondering if we should relax and vacation then start again near the holidays or skip our vaction and possibly deal w. another heartbreak....

It is so hard to know what to do.

In the meantime, we are trying naturally again this month.....ugggghhhhh.

I will keep you all posted.

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