Tuesday, June 11, 2013

And the Faint Line Continues.....

I have taken so many tests it isn't even funny.
I honestly think I have spend about $100 on tests this week.

I am using First Response tests.... and getting a super light pink 2nd line.

Tomorrow is my Beta at 7:30 AM!

I am praying that it is sooo early that is why its so light????

My period is due tomorrow....

Today I reached an all time low.
I went to Wal-Mart at lunch bought another 5 tests and pee'd in the bathroom at work and did a test! AT WORK! Who does that!?!??!?!

My co-worker that knows what I have been going through came to see if she could see my faint line and with a little bit of moving the test around- she saw it too!

Please Please Please little line get darker tomorrow morning so I can be confident going into BETA.... cause right now. I am not.

I will update tomorrow w. good new hopefully!

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