Sunday, June 9, 2013

Could it be??????? BFP?????

Last night, we took a late night trip to Walmart. I wanted to pick up a couple First Response tests to mix in with my Dollar Tree tests.

So, of course, this morning I used BOTH tests- the Dollar Tree and the First Response tests....

I got Faint - Squinty BFP's on BOTH!!!

Both tests were so faint I am not POSITIVE yet.

But just for the record, today is 6dp5dt!

After lunch I took the same (2) tests again- same result! I was hoping to see a litte bit of a darker line--


I am so excited.
It is amazing what seeing a little faint pink line will do to your heart! Last cycle we did not see ANYTHING on any test- NOTHING- So I am praying this is a GOOD sign!

My boobs are soooo heavy and full. I don't feel tired at all- Really no other symtom at all-

Praying. Praying. Praying.


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