Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Negative Beta- 2nd IVF Failed :(

Today was the day.
I went in at 7:30AM to get my blood taken.

I left feeling like I had a 10% chance if being pregnant.

This morning my test were white.

Stark White.

The clinic didn't bother calling me to tell me. I had to call them at 4:00PM from work!

The nurse said- Oh no one called you? I am sorry the test was negative. Stop all medications and call the clinic on cycle day 2.

All I could do was say ok. And I hung up.

So here I am.

I feel horrible.

Here is what I am thinking.

Why is this happening to me?
Why can't I get pregnant?
If our egg was the best it could be- what is the problem?
What should I do next?
OMG to how much money we have spent on 2 failed IVF cycles w. no insurance paying cash.

I wish there was a way to make this pain go away.

Oh another thought- Happy Father's Day~

I am fucking devestated.

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