Saturday, June 8, 2013

Biggest lie told by an IVF-er's...I don't test before BETA!!!!!

Since I started my TTC journey, my life has involved stalking my own body.
Charting, temping, ovulation kit testing- you name it! Every symptom was a possible pregnancy sign!

Now that I am in the middle of my 2nd IVF cycle, it makes me laugh when I read that women pretend they don't test before BETA. Give me a break!!!!!

We all post obsessively- documenting each DAY PAST TRANSFER.... and you are telling me that you don't want to know the exact day you tested positive???

Funny how there are a TON of answers every time someone asks this question.....
" I tested BFN 5dp5dt... do I still have a chance?"

Anyways, I call bullshit.

You all test. Don't lie.
We are all hear praying for 2 lines- so knock it off with your fake will power to POAS. 

Sorry, just had to vent.

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