Saturday, August 31, 2013

I made it to the weekend without spilling the BEANS!!!!!!!

I didn't have to tell anyone about our little bundle of joy yesterday at work!

I am soooo relived that I made it through!

Now, I have a packed weekend then MAUI!!!!

I am a little nervous about traveling- since we booked this trip before we knew we were expecting----

I thought it would be fine...but my parents are making me worried....they said they WOULD NOT risk it....

I don't want to risk anything either...

I picked up 2 pairs of compression socks for the plane becuase my doctor recommended that for circulation....

I need to pack/clean my house/get my hair and eyebrows done -phewww  then a bday dinner w. my friend Sarah! YAY!

I woke up again this morning at 3:30 AM.... I played on my ipad and did laundry:)


Friday, August 30, 2013

So nervous about today!!!! Will I spill the beans at work????

I have been dreading today since the moment I found out I was pregnant!
Today at work, we are having a "summer event" - the whole law firm will be closing at 2:30PM and heading over to K1 Speedway in Irvine- to race---

It clearly states, if you are pregnant- don't race.

I am NOT going to take a chance by racing.... but also don't want to alert or flag all of my co-workers and boss- that I am pregnant!!!!

I am praying I can just fade into the group and not race.

The problem is- and I am a super loud mouth at work and am sure everyone will wonder WHY I am not racing! I seem to recall challenging a number of people when this event was first announced (uggghhhhhh!!!)

Do I lie?

Say I have a backache?
Say I don't feel well?
Try to just hide???
Or do I just say- I can't.... and point to the sign and let the cat out of the bag.

Since I am only 7 weeks..... I am sooooo nervous to tell work peeps so early- not only in case of a miscarriage but I don't want everyone asking me for the next however many weeks- How I feel? What I a having? --- If I can make it through today.... I go to Maui on Monday and will come back and probably feel better about telling... but whatever happens- happens!

Bottom line, I am thrilled.

I already am obsessed w. my little baby and it's little beating heart!

Wish me luck!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

We are really really having a BABY!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was amazing.

I had bloodwork done in the morning before work.... and acted like a true baby - looking away from the needle, leading the tech to ask me every 3 seconds if I was okay or if I was going to pass out- LOL....

then I needed to give a urine sample.... I don't know what happened, but I could not pee. I chugged water... walked around. NOTHING.

I went to work and tried to concentrate but I was soooo excited for my ultrasound!!!

I left for lunch drove all the way back to drop of urine...picked up my hubby and went to see our baby!

Here is what we saw!

It was amazing! We could see the little heart beating!!!!!!

I am so relieved that there is really a baby inside me! It was so nice to be validated today!

My 2 friends that know are just thrilled and my parents are so excited!

I am litteraly bursting to tell everyone- I almost just blurted it out at work when I got back....

I honestly thought I would want to wait until the first trimester was over to announce. But I am having a hard time!

We leave for Maui on Monday for my Bday- I hope I can hold it in just one more week- and I can tell after our vacation! HEHEHE!

Here is one more pic showing the heart rate:)

It looks like I can stop CHASING BABY B... cause I have him/her in my tummy!!!!! YAYAYAYYAYA!

My nurse orginally told me I was 6 weeks 4 days... but today they bumped me to 7 weeks and moved my due date from April 18th to April 17th:)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Prenatal Appt.!!!!! 6.4 days pregnant- I think?

Today was super exciting for us!!!!!!

We had our first doctor appointment!

I had no idea what to expect.... It was okay... kind of uneventful.

We met w. the nurse since our doctor was not in.....

The office did not confirm the pregnany- aka the REASON all this is happening.....

Tomorrow at 8AM I go for blood work...

and at 12:30 I have an ultrasound!!!

So tomorrow - I should have more news....

***I also did something really bad... I took and intelligender test.... What do you think????

I think it looks like a girl result!


Friday, August 16, 2013

5 Weeks and 1 Day!

I am still feeling just plain shocked.
So far, my symptoms are SORE BOOBS... like that isn't even the proper term... It feels like a punch to the boobs and like they are bruised!

I almost cried when I got home from work the other night and took my bra off! It took the air right out of my lungs- it really hurts man!

I have been on the Internet non-stop reading all of the pregnancy sites and calculating everything!

I took a clear blue digital on Wednesday and it said I was 5 weeks plus.

I have a feeling I ovulated very early this cycle.

That would explain my bright BFP's a day before my period was due....

Dying to get into the doc's office and get some firm answers!!!!

I received a call from my doctor saying they needed to reschedule my appt... :( Hopefully it is sooner and not later than the 26th!


Friday, August 9, 2013

BFP BFP BFP BFP BFP! I got a BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am still in shock as I am writing this post....

My period is due tomorrow- all week long I felt my period coming -

The normal stuff:
Backache...Mild cramps

Last night, I did not sleep well... my back was killing me and I had a dull stomach ache....

I woke up at about 5AM and went pee.

Then laid in my bed and played on my ipad for another hour or so....

I went back into the bathroom into my little test drawer and found a Dollar Tree Test.... and  I am not kidding the pee hit that stick and BOOM 2 lines! Like FAST!!!!

I ran in and woke up my husband and he was SHOCKED!

I immediately went back to my drawer and found a First Response~ unfortunately I dumped my pee.

I downed water and waited..... I got seriously 5 drops out... and BOOM a positive on First Response!

I don't know what to say.....

Am I really pregnant?
Is this real!??!?!?!

What happened?

No IVF- Nothing too fancy-
I tracked on my pink pad app- I used my ovulation kit- and never even got a happy face- and I think I know why- I started tracking a little late....

I calculated my "Due Date" its April 18th, 2014!

That is sooo soon!

What do I do next!??!?!??!

I called my doc and they won't see me till the 26th of August!
How many tests can I take from now till then!?!?!?

It seems like planning and booking that Maui trip and putting IVF talks on the back burner really paid off!


So thrilled. Just praying it sticks and this is real!