Friday, August 30, 2013

So nervous about today!!!! Will I spill the beans at work????

I have been dreading today since the moment I found out I was pregnant!
Today at work, we are having a "summer event" - the whole law firm will be closing at 2:30PM and heading over to K1 Speedway in Irvine- to race---

It clearly states, if you are pregnant- don't race.

I am NOT going to take a chance by racing.... but also don't want to alert or flag all of my co-workers and boss- that I am pregnant!!!!

I am praying I can just fade into the group and not race.

The problem is- and I am a super loud mouth at work and am sure everyone will wonder WHY I am not racing! I seem to recall challenging a number of people when this event was first announced (uggghhhhhh!!!)

Do I lie?

Say I have a backache?
Say I don't feel well?
Try to just hide???
Or do I just say- I can't.... and point to the sign and let the cat out of the bag.

Since I am only 7 weeks..... I am sooooo nervous to tell work peeps so early- not only in case of a miscarriage but I don't want everyone asking me for the next however many weeks- How I feel? What I a having? --- If I can make it through today.... I go to Maui on Monday and will come back and probably feel better about telling... but whatever happens- happens!

Bottom line, I am thrilled.

I already am obsessed w. my little baby and it's little beating heart!

Wish me luck!

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