Friday, August 16, 2013

5 Weeks and 1 Day!

I am still feeling just plain shocked.
So far, my symptoms are SORE BOOBS... like that isn't even the proper term... It feels like a punch to the boobs and like they are bruised!

I almost cried when I got home from work the other night and took my bra off! It took the air right out of my lungs- it really hurts man!

I have been on the Internet non-stop reading all of the pregnancy sites and calculating everything!

I took a clear blue digital on Wednesday and it said I was 5 weeks plus.

I have a feeling I ovulated very early this cycle.

That would explain my bright BFP's a day before my period was due....

Dying to get into the doc's office and get some firm answers!!!!

I received a call from my doctor saying they needed to reschedule my appt... :( Hopefully it is sooner and not later than the 26th!


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