Thursday, August 29, 2013

We are really really having a BABY!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was amazing.

I had bloodwork done in the morning before work.... and acted like a true baby - looking away from the needle, leading the tech to ask me every 3 seconds if I was okay or if I was going to pass out- LOL....

then I needed to give a urine sample.... I don't know what happened, but I could not pee. I chugged water... walked around. NOTHING.

I went to work and tried to concentrate but I was soooo excited for my ultrasound!!!

I left for lunch drove all the way back to drop of urine...picked up my hubby and went to see our baby!

Here is what we saw!

It was amazing! We could see the little heart beating!!!!!!

I am so relieved that there is really a baby inside me! It was so nice to be validated today!

My 2 friends that know are just thrilled and my parents are so excited!

I am litteraly bursting to tell everyone- I almost just blurted it out at work when I got back....

I honestly thought I would want to wait until the first trimester was over to announce. But I am having a hard time!

We leave for Maui on Monday for my Bday- I hope I can hold it in just one more week- and I can tell after our vacation! HEHEHE!

Here is one more pic showing the heart rate:)

It looks like I can stop CHASING BABY B... cause I have him/her in my tummy!!!!! YAYAYAYYAYA!

My nurse orginally told me I was 6 weeks 4 days... but today they bumped me to 7 weeks and moved my due date from April 18th to April 17th:)

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