Friday, August 9, 2013

BFP BFP BFP BFP BFP! I got a BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am still in shock as I am writing this post....

My period is due tomorrow- all week long I felt my period coming -

The normal stuff:
Backache...Mild cramps

Last night, I did not sleep well... my back was killing me and I had a dull stomach ache....

I woke up at about 5AM and went pee.

Then laid in my bed and played on my ipad for another hour or so....

I went back into the bathroom into my little test drawer and found a Dollar Tree Test.... and  I am not kidding the pee hit that stick and BOOM 2 lines! Like FAST!!!!

I ran in and woke up my husband and he was SHOCKED!

I immediately went back to my drawer and found a First Response~ unfortunately I dumped my pee.

I downed water and waited..... I got seriously 5 drops out... and BOOM a positive on First Response!

I don't know what to say.....

Am I really pregnant?
Is this real!??!?!?!

What happened?

No IVF- Nothing too fancy-
I tracked on my pink pad app- I used my ovulation kit- and never even got a happy face- and I think I know why- I started tracking a little late....

I calculated my "Due Date" its April 18th, 2014!

That is sooo soon!

What do I do next!??!?!??!

I called my doc and they won't see me till the 26th of August!
How many tests can I take from now till then!?!?!?

It seems like planning and booking that Maui trip and putting IVF talks on the back burner really paid off!


So thrilled. Just praying it sticks and this is real!

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