Sunday, March 17, 2013

And the dreaded BFN the day before BETA...

I am absolutely devastated.
I have used soooo many HPT's and got a couple phantom lines but that was about it- Lines so light you practically had to do a backbend to see the outline of the line.

I am completely devastated. Depressed.

I find myself feeling like I am going to die to thinking I still could be......

I keep praying that maybe I am one of the girls that has a late implanter- or It just isn't showing up on the HPT yet and my Beta will show that I am in fact pregnant.

I feel like I don't even want to go to my appointment!
It is at 7:30 AM - then I go to work.

Then I will get the call.
How will I feel?
Will I cry?

What will they say?

Hollie, you are not pregnant??????!!!!!

I am beyond upset.
I thought this was it.
I really did.

But, looks like our journey is not over yet.

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