Monday, March 18, 2013

BFN before Beta Appointment :(

I had to post this morning.
I tested AGAIN.... and it was a BIG FAT NEGATIVE.

I even took the test apart to examine - just in case:/

Oh this was all at 4AM too- I have been up ever since....

Searching the web for those stories where girls got a negative  HPT but a positive BETA. Horrible idea.

For every positive story there was about 30 sad endings.

Are there really people out there that DO NOT TEST before their BETA?

Come on! Be honest.

There is no way every woman isn't peeing on a stick daily or like me a couple times a day.

You are emotionally invested and FINANCIALLY invested!!!!!

Leaving in 15 minutes for my BETA then a full day at the office to try to pretend this isn't happening!

I really hope I can come back w. good news:( ..... Stand by.

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