Monday, March 4, 2013

NC-IVF Egg Retrieval!!!!!!

Today was my egg retrieval!
I was soooo nervous!

I am happy to report it went PERFECTLY!!!!!!!

I arrived at the office at 9:45 after being at work at 7:30AM-

They called me back right away.... I was instructed to take my shoes off and put some slippers on before entering the OR.

I put on a gown and a hair net thing.....

And they had me lay down in a recliner  with a blanket... for like 30 minutes.

I was freaking out!!!!
What was going to happen? How was it going to feel? Was I going to have an egg?????

I could hear some people getting an IV for pain and the nurse telling some girls they had cotton gauze they needed to remove in the bathroom!

Finally it was my turn and I went into the OR.
I had to wear a face mask and there was 4 people in the operating room....

I was instructed to put my feet into these huge leg stirrups..... and there was a huge bright light shining where I was laying wide open!!!!

My doctor came in and introduced who was going to do the retrieval-- I was expecting him to do it but he sat down next to me and held my hand the whole time.

It was so sweet. He walked me through each step....

There were two monitors one that showed my follicle and one that showed the egg.

When the needle went in - it felt like an getting an IV. It stung and then there was this intense pressure....
But I was kind of distracted by watching-

While the doctor was looking for my egg another person was looking at a microscope it was really cool- they found the first egg and the doctor explained that the dark would slowly disappear as they sucked it out- that part hurt- pressure hurt - uncomfortable hurt but not crazy..... Then the pressure continued so I said "OUCH!" and the doctor said they were going to look for more eggs but they could stop if it hurt since I was doing a Natural Cycle and only needed one egg... I quickly said - NO its okay.... and my doctor said "you are so brave" HAHAHHAHAHA!

Guess what!??!?!? They retrieved a total of 4 eggs!!!!!!!!!

4 EGGS!!!!!!!!

Chad did his part and I was given Progesterone pills to take at bedtime...

We should receive a call tomorrow to see how our little egg is doing!!!

My transfer day is Wednesday at 1:45!

I can't wait and am praying everything is good w. my egg and Chad's sperm:)

I am so excited! 4 Eggs!


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