Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tomorrow is the big day- Egg Transfer!!!!

This morning I woke up with a horrible sore throat and my voice is all rough:(
I honestly think it is from the Progesterone pill:/
I called the nurse and they said it was probably just a coincidence --- we will see-

I was at work and the day was taking forever!!!!!!

I was secretly hoping the phone did not ring and I would just show up for my transfer tomorrow w. 4 fertilized eggs waiting for me.

Well, around 3PM the phone did ring. It was my retrieval nurse.

She told me that one egg had been fertilized yesterday!!!!!!!!!!

The other 3- that was another story.... 1 was degenerate ( I have no idea what that means and was too scared to ask) and the other 2 eggs were immature an they were going to check them tomorrow and see if they too could be fertilized.

So, I went to Target today to get some cute new sweats to wear....and some new jammies since I need to chill out on let my little egg snuggle in:)

Please keep praying! It is working!

So excited!

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