Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Introducing our Transferred Embryo!!!! 3 Day Transfer!

Hello everyone!
I have a little embryo inside of me!!!!!

I had my embryo transfer today!

It was amazing!

It was soooo much easier than the retrieval!

The doctor did the transfer and did an amazing job!

We had one egg transferred!

Since we did a Natural cycle.... that is exactly how we wanted it!

Chad drove me home and so far so good!

I held my pee for a long time cause I was scared to go- but I had to go:)

I feel a slight twinge/cramp on my left side....

I was told to continue my progesterone pills and will start a progesterone depository tomorrow:/ Yikes!

I let the nurses know how horribly I was feeling on the progesterone pills and they blew it off AGAIN-
I seriously can't talk- my voice is gone and my throat is closing:(

They said my body may get used to it and it is necessary for pregnancy!

When the doctor was transferring my egg he asked the following questions:

How long have you been trying again?

How are you going to celebrate when you are pregnant?

Such a cool feeling to know that THIS COULD REALLY be IT!

Here is a a pic of our little miracle! I already love him.her!!!!!!!

I go back on the 18th for a pregnancy test!!!!!!! OMG 12 days, really?
I will not make it that long- I won't even pretend!
Pray it snuggles in and my throat chills out!

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