Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter...Hard Day

Today started out perfectly.
Went to a new church. It was awesome.
Everyone was so welcoming!
Came home and the Easter Bunny brought me a iPad Mini!!!
Then I dropped Chad off at work for a couple hours and came home and cleaned.

My parents invited us over - so I headed over first -
My Grandpa and Bev were over too.
We had a lovely meal....then came the painful part...
They rented a movie- Parental Guidelines - Or something.... All about kids...

I don't know why but it was hard to watch-
Then Bev received a call that her grand-daughter was going into labor with her second son- today.

Then my brother came over and started sharing photos of his friends new babies- Like 3 of them.

It was too much. Not sure why.
It just was.
I cried the entire ride home.

The end.

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