Sunday, March 3, 2013

Twas the night before egg retrieval!!!!!!

Tonight we had dinner w. Chad's family to celebrate his nieces 4th bday!
It is so cute to see how loved they are by their Grandma- She is completely obsessed with those kids- It makes me feel happy/sad at the same time.

I know my parents will love our child and so will Chad's parents but there is something different - I just can't explain.

But, I know how much love Chad and I have to share and that is ALL that has ever mattered.

Tonight is my last sleep before our little egg gets retrieved!

Timing is a funny thing... I have a mandatory meeting at 12:00 tomorrow at work.

My retrieval is at 10:15AM and will last 2/3 hours.... I am hoping I can go right back to work... but if I can't I will future baby is MUCH more important.

I have to take 400mg of ibuprofen at 11PM tonight and again at 6AM tomorrow!

Please pray for us tomorrow if you think about us!


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