Sunday, February 3, 2013

A new month!

I have been so inspired by other blogs. I love how they have captured thoughts and feeling and memories!
I am going to attempt to document what is going on in our family- Not only for myself but to share and get support!

I want to share some of our pictures from Maui.

Chad and I were so blessed to be able to go on a trip to Maui in November of 2012.
Words can not even begin to describe how amazing the trip was for Chad and I.
Things I never ever want to forget:
Warm Air
Crystal clear water
The sound of the waves from our hotel room
The relaxing feeling I had the entire trip
Warm Sand

I am doing anything I can to get back! I want to live there.
Everyone keeps trying to talk me out of it.

This was the saddest part of the trip. Coming home. A feeling I really did not expect to have.

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