Sunday, February 10, 2013

Waiting is so hard!

I love days like this.
A semi-stormy day in cali.
The perfect day to stay home and enjoy just relaxing.
I have been bouncing from site to site looking at all things IVF and all things baby.
So far, I have planned a nursery and laughed at jokes on about TTC'ing and IVF.

I just want to remember this calm feeling in the upcoming weeks!

I found this cute little poster and thought it would help me when I look back at my blog.

Seriously, this could be the last couple weekends I have NOT being pregnant. That is such a cool feeling.

I have also calculated when our baby would be due.
I think it would be a November baby!
It could happen! It will happen!
I can't wait to be a mom.
It was what I was meant to be.
I know Chad will be the BEST dad too!
I just know our little family will be amazing! xoxo

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