Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Freaking out.

Tonight I got home from work and decided to stalk the message boards for more info on the TYPE of IVF we are doing.
It is called NC-IVF ( Natural Cycle).
I just freaked out and seriously can't breathe.
I am now reading it is a marketing ploy that IVF clinics use to get patients to come in.
Calm down.
I am 32 years old.
Unexplained Infertility.
I should be a good candidate for this.

I am so nervous.

My heart is beating so fast.

Chad and I felt so positive about the clinic and the doctor. We did our research but maybe I was only trying to convince Chad to do it.....

I wish there was a fast forward button so I can see what is going to happen.

This can't be good freaking out like this-

Time to quiet down my mind and continue to dream of being a mom.

I have to keep trying -----

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