Monday, February 25, 2013

Update CD 8 - Tamoxifen???

So, today I went in for my monitoring appointment and they measured my follicles by doing an ultrasound....
I have one follicle they are looking at that was 10 mm.

The tech girl immediately acted like that was not very good and I would for sure have to come back again- I tried not to freak out.

I went back to the waiting room and googled what it SHOULD be...from what I could see it should be around 17-22 mm.

The nurse called me back and said it was fine and totally normal- and told me they would call when they got my blood results back.

They called at about 10 AM and said the doctor wanted me to go on an oral medication once a day.

I rushed to the pharmacy on my lunch to see what this medication was....

It is called Tamoxifen 20 MG.

I am trying to find out why I am taking this and if it works??????

I am feeling relieved that they aren't just gonna sit back and wait to see how my body reacts and are giving me medicine!

I will go back on Thursday the 28th.

I really hope my little follicle grows grows grows!!!!!!

And I really hope that I can find out some more info on Tamoxifen-

*** We made our final payment today! Here we go!

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