Saturday, February 9, 2013

To tell or not to tell....that is my question.....

I can still clearly remember being 24 years old and knowing I wanted to have a baby with Chad. We talked about it and he would smile and say- OH Hollie, we are too young and we need more money. I agreed- kind of.
I had a plan for myself that stemmed from childhood, I guess.
I was going to get married at 24 and have my first baby at 26.
As the years went by I had to release that dream. And it was not easy - even though, now looking back I see how immature I was and how much better of an adjusted person I am now.

What is my point here?

I have been struggling trying to figure out how to intro what we have been going through trying to have a family.
It is so painful but I still want to share... not even for everyone else but for myself.
I have no one to talk about my feelings- mainly because I don't know what to say. I don't know why this is happening. I don't know what to say.

What is wrong?
Nothing. We have unexplained infertility.

What does that mean?

It means we have been "trying" for over 2 years.
It means I have been tracking each cycle each month for over 2 years. It mean ovulation sticks, it means countless pregnancy tests with one line. It means once a month Chad has to see one sad girl.

It means hearing the following over and over:
Just relax.
It will happen.
You have plenty of time.
Have you tried Clomid?
Have you checked Chad?
What about adoption?
Oh, I am so sorry... I got pregnant right away.

This August we had a great surprise I got about 14 positive pregnancy tests! Yes, 14!!!!!! I was obsessed!
I called my doctor. Scheduled a blood test. Called my girlfriend and my mother in law.
Next day- BAM- blank test.
Really? It was the first time I ever had a positive and it felt amazing. 

Fast forward to NOW- February 2013.
We are seeing a fertility specialist in Irvine, CA.

And around the 20th of this month we will start monitoring for a fresh cycle of IVF!
We are beyond thrilled.
I have no idea what I am doing.
I am trusting this doctor.
I am not one of those girls that knows all of the terms and definitions.
It actually makes me more nervous.... so I will share my experience and maybe we can go through this together?????

Today we have our last 3 blood tests.

We have already completed about 12 others.

So, here we go!

Thanks for reading!!! xoxo

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