Monday, February 11, 2013

Opening up about IVF

Chad and I have told only (3) people about our possible IVF cycle.
I confided in a great friend at work.
Not only do I value her opinion but I have watched her become a wonderful mother of twin boys!
She has been amazing.
She mentioned to me that another co-worker has been struggling with fertility issues.
She has a 3 year old son ( or around that age:/)He is adorable.
Anyways, she encouraged me to go to lunch w. the three of them and share what I was going through...
I don't know why- but I was super nervous to share.
#1: I don't want too many people to know at work
#2: I feel like I can't explain what is going to happen because I have no idea how it will go
#3 I still feel a little "judged" saying we are doing IVF

The conversation was nice... there were questions that I wasn't able to answer but that is okay.
I am going through this and I have friends that want to be there to support and pray for me. I just need to learn to accept their support and not freak out when I can't answer every IVF question.

It was also nice to know other people are struggling month to month as well.
I know that sounds bad- but it is what it is. I can't explain how sick it is.

She also mentioned a lot of her friends are dealing w. fertility issues.
I mean, I know that from the other blogs/message boards I read- but to talk to someone was pretty cool.

I hope it will get easier to actually TALK about and not just write about.
I will try to keep practicing!


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