Monday, February 11, 2013

Infertility: What happens when you are invited to a baby shower?

Here is one of the things I used to LOVE so much...
But now, it has turned into a thing I dread.
It is such an awkward feeling being sad/jealous before a baby shower.
Since we have been trying for a baby- I have attended countless baby showers and 1st/2nd and 3rd bdays of people who got pregnant while I was trying!

A co-worker is having a surprise baby shower tomorrow at lunch.

I am super happy for her.
I could not bring myself to shop for a gift until tonight after work - hoping I would try to hurry and not think about it too much.

It was not even as bad as I thought.

I had a blast picking out little girl stuff!

I kept thinking, how would I want people to treat me when it is FINALLY my turn for a shower?
I would be so sad if I knew someone was heartbroken shopping for my baby gift.
So, I had a happy heart and it was fine.

We will see how it goes tomorrow:/

Here is some pics of what I picked out for the little baby girl!

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