Sunday, February 17, 2013

Devastated once again...

Today, it is 4 days before my period is due.
So like every other month for the last 2+ years- I used a dollar tree test to see if maybe just maybe there would be that 2nd line.
Stark white.
Whiter than white in the 2nd line position.
I need to stop looking at it in the bathroom - because when I look at my face afterwards in the mirror- I feel like I am looking at a failure.
I have failed again.
Failed at a chance to be able to do one of the most natural womanly function there is.
To have a baby.
It is such a blessing to have a child... but I haven't been blessed.
It hurts so bad.
My heart is so broken.
I feel so alone.

I feel empty.
I just can't.

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