Sunday, February 3, 2013

Double Date Night

Last night we had such a great time. We made plans w. Chad's brother and wife to go see a movie.
This was a special treat for us to get to hang out w. them...We decided to meet at Chili's for some dinner then go see a movie.

Chili's had an hour long wait at 5:30- who knew we picked a restaurant during a Ducks hockey game- Oops!
So we headed over the the Block in Orange.

We saw the movie Warm Bodies- it was really different but nice and light!

After the movie, we had a super fun dinner at TGI Fridays.

Chad and I really enjoyed hanging out w. Colby and Rebecca- we are so happy they are back in CALI!

It is so important to us both to have family in our lives.

We are constantly wondering where exactly we fit into our own it is so nice to connect!

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